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Selasa, 31 Januari 2012

Mengganti Read More dengan Gambar

Berikut adalah cara merubah Read More menjadi Gambar yang saya kutip dari andikwin.blogspot.com

1. Login ke Blogger.

2. Pilih Rancangan >> setelah itu pilih bagian Edit HTML >> jangan lupa centang Expand Template Widget.

3. Kalau sudah cari kode berikut, untuk lebih mudah gunakan CTRL + F.

<a expr:href='data:post.url'>Read More...</a> 
atau: <a expr:href='data:post.url + &quot;#more&quot;' expr:title='data:post.title'  >

4. Kalau sudah ketemu ganti kode pada no. 3 dengan kode di bawah ini.
<a expr:href='data:post.url'><img src="URL GAMBAR"/></a>
atau; <img alt='read more' src='URL GAMBAR'/>

Ganti tulisan URL GAMBAR dengan gambarmu atau kamu bisa memakai gambar di bawah ini.





Sebelumnya jangan langsung disave, tetapi  dipreview terlebih dahulu agar tidak terjadi sesuatu yang dinginkan terhadap template kita.

Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Memunculkan "Sumber" Otomatis dari Blog

Untuk menghindari copas-er (tukang copas) yang tidak mencantumkan link blog kita sebagai sumber, solusinya adalah dengan mengotomatiskan *sumber* muncul ketika mereka mengkopi artikel blog kita. Berikut LyngLyng share tulisan dari http://andikwin.blogspot.com mengenai cara membuat blog kita dapat mengeluarkan sumber otomatis ketika dikopas.

1. Login ke blogger.com.
2. Cari kode <body>
3. Copi kode berikut:
<script  type="text/javascript"> if(document.location.protocol=='http:'){  var  Tynt=Tynt||[];Tynt.push('cXIEhKYVSr4lJ5adbi-bpO');Tynt.i={"ap":"Sumber  :"};  (function(){var  s=document.createElement('script');s.async="async";s.type="text/javascript";s.src='http://tcr.tynt.com/ti.js';var   h=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];h.parentNode.insertBefore(s,h);})(); } </script>
4. Taruh kode tersebut tepat di atas kode <body> yang tadi dicari tadi.
5. Simpan template.

Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Cara Penulisan Daftar Pustaka

Temen-temen yang lagi buat karya ilmiah, skripsi, tesis, disertasi perlu baca catatan yang satu ini. Catatan ini dicomot dari sana sini untuk lebih melengkapi..

Contoh penulisan daftar pustaka

Aminudin. 1999. Pembelajaran Terpadu Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia. Malang : IKIP Malang Press.

Baradja, Abdullah. 1990. Kapita Selekta Pengajaran Bahasa. Yogyakarta : UGM University Press.

———————— . 1991. Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Hamid, Fuad Abdul dan Taufik Ismail. 1987. Menuju Pengajaran Bahasa Berbasis Strategi Belajar. Semarang : PT. Toha Putra.

Wahab, Abdul dkk. 1996. Isu Linguistik Pengajaran Bahasa dan Sastra. Surabaya : Airlangga University Press.

Unsur-unsur daftar pustaka:

Nama Pengarang
  1. Apabila pengarangnya lebih dari 2 maka yang ditulis cukup nama pengarang yang pertama saja dan diberi singkatan dkk. (dan kawan-kawan) atau et.al. (Suwanto, Daud, Nurdin, dan Agus à Suwanto, dkk.)
  2. Apabila dalam sebuah daftar pustaka terdapat dua atau lebih buku yang dikarang oleh pengarang yang sama maka pengurutannya berdasarkan tahun terbitnya dan nama pengarang cukup ditulis sekali dan selanjutnya digantikan dengan garis.
  3. Pemisahan antara nama belakang dan nama depan menggunakan tanda koma.
  4. Setelah unsur nama pengarang diakhiri dengan tanda titik.

Tahun terbit
  1. Pemisahan antara unsur tahun terbit dengan unsur judul buku menggunakan tanda titik.

Judul buku
  1. Semua huruf pertama dari setiap kata dalam judul buku ditulis dengan menggunakan huruf kapital KECUALI kata-kata tugas seperti ‘dan’, ‘untuk’, ‘di’, ‘yang’, ‘atau’, ‘dari’, ‘ke’, dll yang tidak terletak pada posisi awal. *)
  2. Jika daftar pustaka diketik dengan komputer maka penulisan judul buku dengan menggunakan huruf miring (italics).
  3. Jika ditulis tangan atau diketik manual maka penulisan judul buku diberi garis bawah.

*) Huruf kapital dipakai sebagai huruf pertama semua kata (termasuk semua unsur kata ulang sempurna) di dalam judul buku, majalah, surat kabar, dan makalah, kecuali kata tugas seperti di, ke, dari, dan, yang, dan untuk yang tidak terletak pada posisi awal.  

Tempat (kota terbit)

Nama penerbit

Jika berupa Referensi Online

Hermans, B., 2000, Desperately Seeking: Helping Hands and Human Touch, [online], (http://www.hermans.org/agents2/ch3_1_2.htm, diakses tanggal 25 Juli 2008 )

Contoh lain:
Jika seperti gambar di atas maka pada daftar pustaka dibuat:
Siberut Conservation Programme. 2009. Animals. http://siberut-island.org/html/animals_of_siberut.html. 12 Maret 2011.

Komponen bibliografi online:

• Nama Pengarang (author)
Jika situs tersebut merupakan situs institusi atau lembaga, maka author yang dibuat adalah nama lembaga atau institusi tersebut, kecuali jika didalam artikel tersebut ditemukan nama penulis artikelnya.
• Tanggal revisi terakhhir
lihat tanggal berapa tulisan itu dibuat. Lihat tahun postingannya.
• Judul Makalah

• Media yang memuat
• URL yang terdiri dari protocol/situs/path/file
salin semua URL asli,
• Tanggal akses
 Buat tanggal kapan kita mengaksesnya.


Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Situs Penyedia Aplikasi Online (Edit Pict)

Berikut ini bebetapa aplikasi online yang bisa digunakan untuk membuat images sesuai dengan keinginan kita:

  1. Dummies Book Cover Maker
  2. Graffiti It
  3. Free Logo Maker
  4. Photo Masher (upload/import)
  5. Digital Scrapbooker (upload pics)
  6. Comic Strip Generators
  7. Tarot Card Name Generator
  8. "Post-It" Note Generator
  9. Smiley Generator
  10. Wallpaper Generator
  11. Blog Header Image Maker
  12. Confucius Says Generator
  13. Nigerian Scam Placard Generator
  14. License Plate Maker
  15. Presidential Seal Maker
  16. Support Ribbon Generators
  17. Garden Label Generator
  18. Famous People Message Generators
  19. Cool Text Effects
  20. Word Image Generator
  21. Glitter Text Effect Maker
  22. Online Banner Ad Designer
  23. RSS/XML Button Maker
  24. Web 2.0 Buttons
  25. Warning/Safety Sign Builder
  1. Free Web Page Counter
  2. Gamers Sig Generator
  3. Arcade Games Pics
  4. Avatar Maker
  5. Birthday Wishes
  6. Show Your Love
  7. Virtual Flowers
  8. It's A Baby
  9. Celebrate The Holidays
  10. Safe For Kids
  11. Danger Label Maker
  12. Warning Label Generator
  13. Square Sign Generators
  14. Country's Flag
  15. Country Flags Banners
  16. "I LOVE" Generators
  17. Watermark Creator
  18. Barcode Creator
  19. SIRD Stereogram Maker
  20. Anti-Spider Text Hider
  21. Email Sig Creator
  22. Monopoly Card Generator
  23. Make Your Own Sign Generator!
  24. Logo Creator Version 2.0
  25. Basic Text Logo Builder

  1. *BETA*Animated Text (scrolling marquee, 30 frame animation, for future scrolling LED signs)
  2. Tattoo Name Generator (put your name on the woman's bum to prove you are loved)
  3. Babe Holding Sign Generator (bathing suit beauty holding circular signage)
  4. BIG Sign Generator (large sign with nice crisp easy to read bold lettering you can edit)
  5. Easy Button Generator (like the big red easy button "as seen on TV" staples commercials)
  6. Windows Error Message Generator (Microsoft's famous blue screen can be hacked)
  7. Space Sign Generator (out of this world, astronaut holding cardboard sign in outer space)
  8. Jessica Simpson Placard Generator (lost voice, vocal rest period, Yahoo!)
  9. Kevin Federline Tshirt Generator (change the saying on Kevin's white tee-shirt)
  10. Backstage Pass Generator (any coming event is now open access to you)
  11. Famous Star Maker (marking the sidewalks with names of actresses/actors)
  12. Your Own Star (your name on Hollywood Walk of Fame's star-studded sidewalks)
  13. Hollywood Sign Generator (change around the letters on the "movie making" city's sign)
  14. Theater Marquee Generator (Campus theatre sign, change the letters around)
  15. Large Lettered Theatre Marquee (bit oversized, big bold captions)
  16. Drive Through Window Sign Generator (local drug store, custom captions)
  17. Building Banner (vinyl foldable sign for events)
  18. Newspaper Clip Generator (write your own headliners)
  19. Newspaper Classified Ad Generator (write an obituary or stuff for sale)
  20. TO DO LIST Generator (make your list of things to do and not forget)
  21. Written On Hand Note Generator (another palm reading image)
  22. Write On Hand Note Maker (we all have used our hands for notes when no paper)
  23. Your Remarks Generator (old fashioned remarks page from 19th century school)
  24. Radio Tower Sign Generator (bolted sign to a radio tower pole)
  25. Stack Of Money Image Generator (write with a pen on the band binding the bills)
  26. Pile Of Money Message Maker (prove that you have the cash on hand)
  27. Copper Token Image Generator (make raised up lettering with your own words)
  28. Police Car Message Generator (change the lettering on the cop's car door)
  29. Policeman Posting A Fence Sign (change the signage message)
  30. Police Riot Sign Generator (black & white, who will protect you from them?)
  31. Crime Scene Sign Generator (dug up ground/dirt, FBI agent murder investigation)
  32. Hand Gun Manual Generator (change the message, it's every American's right)
  33. Name On A Bullet Image Maker (send a threatening ecard as a gag)
  34. Tree Sign Generator (every tree needs a sign to protect it)
  35. Nailed to Tree Sign Generator (save the forest and it's critters)
  36. Forest Tree Sign (stencil your name on this wood sign)
  37. Norman Rockwell Sign Generator (a real classic, girl holding a piece of customizable paper)
  38. Yard Sale Sign Generator (print one of these to tell others tacked on public billboards)
  39. Top Secret Document Image Creator (government sensitive data, do not view)
  40. FBI Headquarters Sign Generator (the flag hanging in front is customizable)
  41. F.B.I. Logo Generator (put your own text around the FBI logo, not an official FBI logo maker)
  42. Intel Inside Logo Creator (make your own parody logos)
  43. CPU Image Generator (customize your PC chip)
  44. Skull Logo Maker (a silhouette of a skeletal head like shape)
  45. Best Buy Logo Creator (make your own parodized logos)
  46. Superman Hero Caption Generator (change the text in the comic book clipping)
  47. Superboy Comic Cel Generator (change the introduction to the cartoon story)
  48. Etch-A-Sketch Toy Customizer (draw some words)
  49. Futurama Sign Generator (Leela is pointing to a futuristic sign)
  50. Patrick Character Generator (Sponge Bob character holding a sign with your messages)
  51. Albert Einstein Chalk Board Generator (E=MC2 or your own theories)
  52. School Chalkboard Message Generator (write your words in chalk)
  53. Classroom Black Board (empty class, summer vacation)
  54. White Board Generator (adult learning class, teacher is pointing to the dry/erase board)
  55. Laptop Blackboard Generator (World's first laptop for schools, never crashes)
  56. Pizza Shop Sign Generator (50's/60's style business sign)

  1. US army troops wooden sign generator (change the soldier's sign text)
  2. McDonald's sign generator (make your own "treat of the week")
  3. Dunkin Donuts sign generator (share coffee humor with friends)
  4. Wendy's burger fast food sign (you can change the block letters)
  5. Frozen road sign (generate a chilling message)
  6. Deface a Stop Sign (STOP is the default word to work with)
  7. Mess with the Roswell welcome sign (you can change the block letters)
  8. Front of Bus Sign Maker (you can change the destination on LED/digital sign)
  9. Hack the electronic Digital Road Sign (customize the LED warning)
  10. Cleaning business sign generator (change the text letters on the cleaner's sign)
  11. Changeable court sign (create your own  legal message)
  12. Police man putting a sign on a fence (customize the message)
  13. Cop car banner maker (change the message on the door)
  14. Make your own morgue Toe-Tag (make your name show as deceased)
  15. His and hers' Tombstones (you can change the engravings)
  16. $1,000,000.00 check (make payable to you or make out to CASH)
  17. Change a Portable Sign's message (create your own personalized captions)
  18. Yield Road Sign with your message (you can change the message)
  19. Post a WARNING sign of your own (customize the message)
  20. Business Door Sign maker ("Sorry, We're _____", you fill in the blank)
  21. Hotel sign generator (change caption on business convention sign)
  22. Wet N' Wild amusement park sign (you can change the captions)
  23. Men @ Work road sign (you can change the warning on-the-fly)
  24. Cartoon Sign creator (change the message on the sign "Ziggy" is reading)
  25. Graffiti sign generator (editable painted on brick wall panhandling cardboard sign)
  26. Change the Panhandler's cardboard sign (customize the message)
  27. Custom message in a fortune cookie (customize the saying)
  28. Your Message On A Billboard (customize the slogan)
  29. IBM typed/typewriter message generator (message on sheet of paper)
  30. Punishment Lines For Teacher (3-ringed paper sheet with the same line of text)
  31. Make a Achievement Award (customize the message & name)
  32. Windows blue screen error generator (make your own Microsoft errors)
  33. Make your own Medical weed prescription (make it to your name)
  34. Rolling Paper & Pot message (write on the "postit", or is it POTit notes?)
  35. Propaganda: Uncle Sam wants you (USA pride, you can change the message)
  36. Propaganda: Woman can poster (customize the woman's message)
  37. Propaganda: He's Watching You poster (customize your own title)
  38. Rage message generator (custom caption on a video card chip/processor)
  39. President Bush speech generator (we use this for subdomain names, example)
  40. George W Bush on Time magazine (you can change the heading)
  41. Golden Arches logos designer (parody generator of McDonald's logo)
  42. Coke Logo Maker (change caption on Coca-Cola company logo)
  43. NUKE EM! Nuke "____"!  (fill in the blank with a funny nuclear blast warning)
  44. Anti/Activist Decal maker (create personalized stickers)
  45. President Bush Political Cartoon Maker (mess around with the Prez's speech)
  46. American Pride Ribbon (show your own personal support for USA)

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